Engaged employees are more productive and drive profitability 

Engaged employees are more productive and drive profitability 

We all want to work for a company that is successful and profitable. But it’s important to recognize that the success of any organization depends heavily on the individuals who make up its workforce. The more engaged employees are, the greater their impact on the organization’s overall performance.

According to Gallup, “engaged workers — those who are involved in and enthusiastic about their work and show it through their actions – are more productive, have less absenteeism and turnover, experience less stress and burnout, and are more likely to recommend their organization as a great place to work.”

Gallup research offers proof that engaged workers aren’t just happier — they’re also better for business. According to the Gallup study, companies with high levels of employee engagement have:

  • 17% lower turnover
  • 13% higher productivity
  • 32% higher profitability

Engaged employees are more productive and drive profitability. They’re also more likely to stay with your company, and this means they drive profitability. Engaged employees make their customers happier, too; they create a better customer experience that leads to loyalty and repeat business.

Companies with highly engaged employees experience a 19% increase in operating income.

Gallup’s State of the American Workplace

There’s a reason why companies with highly engaged employees experience a 19% increase in operating income over a 12-month period, according to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report. Engaged employees are more productive and loyal, so they don’t cost as much to hire or retain. They’re quick learners and can solve problems fast because they’ve made connections with other people in their organization that help them problem-solve more efficiently than someone who wasn’t as involved would be able to do on their own.

And if you’re one of those engaged employees, your company will thank you for it!

Engaged employees make their customers happier and it’s not hard to see why. People who are enthusiastic and invested in their work are more likely to take the time to do things right, or at least try. If a customer has a problem, it won’t be because your employee doesn’t care about doing what he can for them—he’ll be eager to resolve it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

However, there’s more than just financial incentive to engage employees. Employee engagement has been shown to increase productivity and lower turnover rates at companies of all sizes—even when they’re operating on a tight budget! While it may seem counterintuitive that spending time engaging with your employees would lead to less money spent on hiring and training new people (not to mention higher sales), it makes sense if you think about it: when workers are engaged in their work, they tend to produce higher quality work that customers want more of or better service from–which means more money for everyone involved!

Employee engagement has a measurable impact on your company’s bottom line. It also improves customer satisfaction, reduces turnover and makes employees more resilient when faced with challenges. If your company is struggling in any of those areas, take some time to examine whether you’re doing the right things to engage your workers — it’s well worth the investment.

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