Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most common questions I’m asked, all in one place, so you get the answers you need faster.

Why are you best placed to help me?

I’ve been exactly where you are. I’ve been a founder and operator so have been on the startup journey. I’ve scaled businesses, internationalised, brought new products and services to market. I’ve acquired and sold companies. I’ve raised money for my own companies and others and managed investor relations. I’ve built and developed amazing teams full of high performing people. I’ve developed private and public companies. I have been (and still am) a Chairman, Non-Executive Director and CEO. In fact, I am uniquely placed to assist you faster, as a peer, than anyone else, as my approach is based on real expertise and not theory.

Are you available on retainer?

Yes, I undertake trusted advisor engagements for a number of my clients (retainers). The principle purpose of a trusted advisor relationship is in providing access to my expertise to assist with various components of personal and organisational performance rather than a single specific project outcome. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this.

Can you run a team workshop?

Yes, I often facilitate team workshops to maximise the availability of your people. I will design a workshop with you which is based on thematic needs and real-world challenges or opportunities. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this.

Can you facilitate our strategy meeting?

Yes, I often facilitate strategy days for clients. We use the time together to formulate your strategy quickly, test and validate, and align the team to that strategy. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this.

Can you speak at our event?

Depending on availability I am available to speak and attend your in-person and virtual events. I deliver keynotes and talks at conferences and company events. We design together to entertain, inspire, inform and motivate your people and your audience. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this.

Why do you use the term expertise rather than experience?

I believe that expertise is fundamentally different from experience. Experience is often a measure of time and we incorrectly assume time means one will have faced lots of challenges and mastered the solutions to them. Experience is not inherently valuable. After all one could have been mediocre for 30 years! Expertise is about mastering solutions to problems and challenges and is infinitely more valuable.

Do you coach independent consultants?

Yes, I often coach executives and entrepreneurs who have branched out on their own to build their own consulting business. If you are thinking about starting or have already started and are looking to grow contact me and we can discuss your particular needs.

I've heard you mentor new Non-Executive Directors. Is this true?

Yes, I have coached and mentored several NED’s. If this is something you would like to explore please contact me and we can discuss your particular needs.

Do you work pro-bono?

Yes, depending on availability I partner with leading social innovators and non-profits to help their leaders and teams create impactful solutions for humanity and tackle challenges on a global scale. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this.

Still have questions?

If you can’t find answers to your questions in this FAQ section, you can always contact me. 

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I work with ambitious leaders to help them grow faster and shape their future. Are you ready to unlock your potential and grow faster?

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