Growth Circle

My Exclusive Community for Ambitious Business Owners & Leaders

The peer community for leaders who want to grow their business.

Kevin McDonnell - Executive Coach

Are You Ready?

I’ve been exactly where you are. I’ve been a founder and operator so have been on the startup journey. I’ve scaled businesses, internationalised, brought new products and services to market. I’ve acquired and sold companies. I’ve raised money for my own companies and others. I’ve built and developed amazing teams full of high performing people. I have been (and still am) a Chairman, Non-Executive Director and CEO.

In fact, I am uniquely placed to assist you faster, as a peer, than anyone else, as my approach is based on real expertise and not theory.

Kevin McDonnell - Executive Coach

Is it for you?

If you are ready to take your business growth to the next level then my private and exclusive Growth Circle Mastermind Group could be for you.
  • You are committed to building, growing and scaling your business.
  • You are ready to fast track your growth and personal success.
  • You are ready and willing to ask for and receive support with a willingness to explore.
  • You want to surround yourself with the best business minds and leaders.
  • You want to be part of a community full of intelligent, commercially savvy people.
  • You understand the power of bringing together collective knowledge and wisdom.

Networking Meetings

We organise virtual and in-person events throughout the year to help you extend your network.

Tools & Resources

Access to an ever-growing library of tools and resources on every aspect of growing and scaling your business.

Engaging Events

We organise exclusive events with speakers who are experts in their field to showcase results you can replicate.

Monthly Group Challenges

Monthly group challenges to help you overcome obstacles and drive meaningful change for your business.

Monthly Group Coaching

Monthly group coaching calls via Zoom with me and the community to address your opportinities and challanges.

Learn, Connect, Collaborate

Private members-only Slack group full of entrepreneurs just like you willing to share their own experiences to help you.

Apply now to join the Growth Circle Mastermind Group. All applicants will be contacted and we will assess suitability to ensure this is the best fit for your circumstances. The subscription costs just £99 per month and represents a significant ROI on achieving your goals. You can cancel at any time.

How Can I Help You?

I work with ambitious leaders to help them grow faster and shape their future. Are you ready to unlock your potential and grow faster?

Subscribe to The Curiosity Catalyst for the latest strategies, trends and expert insights to help you unlock your potential and grow faster.

© 2024 Kevin McDonnell. All Rights Reserved. All third party trademarks (including logos and icons) remain the property of their respective owners.

Join 13,200+ people who are unlocking their potential and growing faster.

Every Friday morning you’ll receive the latest leadership strategies, trends and expert insights to help you unlock your potential and grow faster.

© 2024 Kevin McDonnell. All Rights Reserved. All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) remain the property of their respective owners.

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