How to Write a Blog: A Guide for Leaders

I’ve been blogging for over a decade, and the most successful blogs are ones that consistently deliver value to the reader. When you blog, you’re trying to build an audience and get them to understand your company’s vision or product, so it’s important that they learn something new every time they visit your site. In this post we’ll look at how to write a leadership blog that provides value to readers each time they visit and shares what makes your company different from its competitors.
Start with Why.
Why are you writing this blog? Why will your audience find it helpful to read? What do they want to learn from it, and how will that benefit them in their lives or careers? Why do you believe in the importance of this information, and how does it relate to your overall goal for this project?
Keep it simple and direct: Don’t use fancy words or jargon unless necessary (and even then, try not to). While some research shows that readers prefer longer sentences over shorter ones when reading online content, keep them short enough so that people don’t get bored or distracted by too much text on one page—you want people to stay engaged!
Ask Your Readers Questions.
Asking questions is a great way to engage your readers and get them involved. You can ask questions that either you or another reader has asked or come up with your own. This will make your blog more personal, especially if it’s a question that only readers who part of your community are might know the answer to.
Here are some examples:
- One of the most common questions I get from my own followers is about how I manage my time—how do I stay productive?
- Why do some companies succeed while others fail? That’s an interesting thing to think about—and it’s something everyone wants to know!
- How does a problem get solved with your product? This is where you can talk about the problems and challenges related to your product or service. But without an overt sales pitch. You want to provide value – not sell.
Use Facts and Data to Back Up Your Points.
Your facts and data should be up-to-date. They must also be accurate, relevant, and concise. Don’t waste space on unnecessary information that does not support the points you are making. If a statistic is too long for a blog post, try using bullet points instead of using the entire statement in your article.
Tell a Story and Offer Solutions.
- Tell a story. A good leadership blog should have a personal touch, and the best way to do that is by using stories. People love to read about real-life experiences and how they were overcome, which makes it easy for your readers to relate and see how you could apply those same principles in their own lives
- Offer solutions. You can’t just tell people what is wrong with the world; you need to offer solutions as well! It’s not enough just to give them something they already know; now they have somewhere else they can go if they want more information
- Tie everything back together. Whether it’s an anecdote or statistic, try tying everything back into your main point when writing up your blog post
Use Personal Stories to Add Context.
Personal stories are a great way to add context to your blog post. They can help readers relate more easily, and they also make it easier for you to get your point across.
You might also consider using the tips below:
- Consider how long ago the event happened and whether it still affects you today. If so, include details about what caused the effect (e.g., “It was my first day of work at a new job…”).
- Use strong adjectives and adverbs when describing what happened (“I felt scared” is better than “I did not feel scared”). This adds emotion into your writing without getting too personal about yourself!
Offer Multiple Perspectives.
You can offer multiple perspectives on your leadership, by showing how you are different from others, how you are similar to others, or both. You can also compare and contrast yourself with your competitors.
- How am I different?
- I’m more creative than most people.
- I’m more organized than most people. * How am I similar?
- Most people are smart like me (or not).
- Most people want the same things in life as me (or not).
Explain the Why Behind a Decision, Not Just the How or What.
One of the best ways to build trust with your audience is to explain the why behind a decision, not just the how or what. The why is the most important part of a decision because it explains the motivation behind an action.
By explaining not only what you did but also why you did it, you show your audience that there is a purpose behind their experience and that they should feel confident in their level of understanding. This is especially important if you’ve made a big change in direction or policy—it helps build confidence from both sides as people start getting used to new ways of doing things.
A good blog offers something new and worthwhile to your audience, every time they read it!
It is not just a place to rehash the same old stuff with a few small tweaks. It’s also not a place to tell everyone what you’re going to do in the future (that’s boring), but rather, it should provide value for them as soon as possible.
This can be accomplished by doing one or more of these things:
- Showing them you are a leader – You can do this by providing information that people need, but which isn’t being provided anywhere else.
- Showing them you know what you’re talking about – People like experts; they want their leaders to be experts in some field or another (and if they aren’t experts themselves yet then they want those leaders who are).
If you’re looking to improve your leadership blog, try out some of these ideas. They just might help you stand out among the many others who are trying to do the same thing.