Is it time for CEO’s to realise that digital transformation is their job?

After all the point isn’t to become digital is it – it’s to generate value for the business.

Did you know that according to a study of 2,000 companies by Sloan Management Review, only 7% were led by digitally competent teams.

Whilst companies with a firm understanding of how emerging tech will add value outperformed the rest by 48% in terms of revenue growth and market valuation.

We keep thinking digital transformation is about technology, but it’s about people. Technology by itself will not transform your organisation.

Digital transformation requires different functions across the organization and people to work together in new ways and digital transformation is not really the destination; it’s a permanent state of evolution for your business and team.

I think successful digital transformation can only happen if CEOs lead their companies’ transformations and focus on people so they can develop a digital culture in their organisations.

Do you think every CEO need to be able to lead their company’s digital transformation personally?

Link to an interesting read from HBR with examples.

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