Can You be More Charismatic Depending on the Time of Day?

Can You be More Charismatic Depending on the Time of Day?

New research shows that you can increase your charisma and ability to inspire people by being more mindful about the time of day in which you seek to do so. 

It turns out that our natural circadian rhythms play a big role in how charismatic we are. That’s because the circadian process is a powerful driver of cognitive function, moods, and behaviours. 

In popular media, charisma is depicted as something that you either have, or you don’t. And those that have it are often inspirational leaders who are always ready and able to motivate others. This depiction, however, overlooks an important physiological reality: circadian rhythms.

This article discusses how you can leverage your natural rhythms to help improve your charisma and, ultimately, how effective you are at inspiring others.

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