What will the Metaverse do to our mental health, clinical trials and blockchain, 5 ways AI improves patient care, IBM sells Watson and more.

What will the Metaverse do to our mental health?, clinical trials and blockchain, 5 ways AI improves patient care, IBM sells Watson

Here are some of this week’s stories from the world of digital health that I found interesting.

– Improving clinical trial collaboration with blockchain
– How AI Could Predict Medical Conditions And Revive The Healthcare System
– There’s no ‘magic bullet’ to enhance cybersecurity, say experts
– NICE expected to approve changes to health tech evaluation
– 5 Ways AI and Deep Learning Enhance Patient Care and Hospital Operations
– How Patients Are Driving The Future Of Healthcare
– Infermedica raises $30M to expand its AI-based medical guidance platform
– Do you know what young people expect from Digital Health and how they use it?
– Transcarent Raised $200 Million To Grow Its Concierge Medical Business
– White House seeks out community digital health examples
– Billionaire Mark Cuban Opens Online Pharmacy To Provide Affordable Generic Drugs
– Will the Metaverse alter the fabric of society, with profound consequences for our mental health?
– IBM has sold it’s Watson Health assets for more than $1 Billion?
– eHealth Ventures raises $30 million for digital health fund

I hope you enjoy reading this round-up of the stories from the world of digital health that I found interesting?

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