Harness the power of age diversity, why cash is more important than equity, cultures that retain your employees and more.

Thank you for reading my latest leadership newsletter. In my work as an advisor, coach and consultant to ambitious and leading boards, CEO’s, executives and teams, I come across important developments and people that are shaping the future of business and leadership. Every week I share my round-up of interesting stories so you can find the most important leadership and business thinking. I hope you enjoy them! If you haven’t already, feel free to follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter. Happy reading!
Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity
Today’s organizations already have the means to help leaders take advantage of these assets: tools that have been used by cross-cultural teams for decades and by DEI initiatives more recently. But these tools are rarely applied to age biases and conflicts. To change that, the authors offer a four-part framework of identifying assumptions, adjusting your lens, taking advantage of differences, and embracing mutual learning.
7 Words and Phrases That Make People Think Less of You Professionally
Radio host Bernard Meltzer is famously quoted as having said, “Before you speak, ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.” I find that this is as true in the workplace as it is in personal life.
How to Build a Company Culture That Retains Loyal Employees
It should go without saying that building a company where your employees feel like they belong is to everyone’s benefit. Not only is your workforce happier, but they also become more permanent — you will experience far less turnover. But how do you build this kind of culture?
Leading business groups call on UK Government to stop using archaic word ‘Chairman’
Currently the word ‘chairman’ is still used by Companies House as its default term in its model articles, meaning it is then repeated in the articles of many thousands of companies across the country. The letter calls for this to be changed to the neutral term ‘Chair’ and points out the change could easily be incorporated in upcoming corporate governance legislation. All of the signatories to the letter are taking steps to amend their own articles to use the word ‘Chair’ and they are encouraging all other businesses to follow suit.
Employees Say Unsustainable Workloads And Expectations Are Driving Them To Quit
Unsustainable workloads are one of the top factors contributing to the Great Resignation, along with uncaring managers, inadequate compensation and lack of career advancement potential, according to a new survey by consulting firm McKinsey & Company released Wednesday.
Move Over, Equity. Cash Is King
The executive was having a good day: three job offers awaited him in his in-box, part of a talent bidding war for his services. The employers began sweetening their offers. One offered a larger signing bonus. Then a competitor tossed in an annual cash payment that would vest over four years. A third followed suit with a salary boost. These were not small amounts of cash.
What is compassionate leadership?
Compassionate leadership involves a focus on relationships through careful listening to, understanding, empathising with and supporting other people, enabling those we lead to feel valued, respected and cared for, so they can reach their potential and do their best work. There is clear evidence that compassionate leadership results in more engaged and motivated staff with high levels of wellbeing, which in turn results in high-quality care (West 2021).
Courage: No Guts, No Glory
It’s important for you to believe in yourself, stand up for the principles that you hold dear, and see the world for what it really is, not what you want it to be. Don’t be afraid to embrace change, confront uncertainty, and face the unknown. For these things are ways of life. Make sure to be bold, follow your heart, and dream BIG. As Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
The existential loneliness of the founder CEO
If you want to know what it really feels like to run a startup, there are a handful of people you need to speak to — and they’re not founders. As someone who coaches founders, I found this article really interesting as much of the stories resonated with my own coaching experience. It’s worth remembering that the biggest investment you will ever make as a founder is in yourself. Help yourself, then you can help others to be the best they can be, and they in turn are what will help the business succeed and thrive.
How to Make Your Words Meaningful
People spout out about niceties such as showing gratitude, building trust, or being tolerant. But those words are meaningless if they’re not part of your daily ritual. Do you preach about morality, but fail to live up to the standards that you set for others? Do you make commitments, but fail to keep them as promised? Do you lecture people about civility and tolerance, but bite off the head of someone who disagrees with you? Are you quick to condemn folks for being self-centered and greedy, but fail to raise your own hand and volunteer for others? In other words, do you live by your statements or just talk a good game?
Whether you are a new CEO looking to embed your leadership, an organisation undergoing major strategic and transformational change, or an executive team that wants to improve performance, I can help you and your team overcome your challenges and address your most important opportunities. Let’s discuss your key opportunities and challenges.